" How long will it take for me to gain wisdom?"
Master replied," ten years"
Shocked by the answer the man impulsively asked,"ten years? so long?"
Master said," sorry I was wrong; it's not 10 years; you will take 20 years"
Man asked," why have you doubled it now?"
Master said,"now when I think of the possibility, you will take 30 years to attain wisdom"
Maturity wisdom enlightenment- these are not like train journey to predict scheduled arrival;
it is inner awakening; journey within to be figured out by the individual.
It is more an attitude with fullest faith in the process.
What is needed is Patience & Perseverance.
If one can surrender to the process enlightenment is sure to come.
This attitude of opening out from within is what is required to gain mastery in NLP.
NLP course is not just syllabus to be covered and claim authority with a certificate on hand.
It is journey of joyful discovery;
Many seekers of NLP learning express their impatience to go through the learning process and
want everything in one gulp & go.
NLP is not a syllabus to be covered.
NLP is a process for self discovery;
it is process to appreciate your core being;
it is a journey of discovering your latent talent and
manifesting in appropriate way in a resourceful state.
when it comes to learning NLP, Never Lose Patience