Wednesday, 27 February 2019

NLP Through ThirukkkuraL - Energy flows in the direction of focus

Energy flows in the direction of focus

அல்லவை தேய அறம்பெருகும் நல்லவை
நாடி இனிய சொலின். 10-96

Allavai theya aRam perukum nallavai
naadi iniya solin
His sins vanish, virtues grow
whose fruitful words with sweetness flow
If we can speak kind words with sweetness flowing in every utterance, it not only makes a positive impression about us, it not only makes others feel nice and positively impacts them, but cleanses our soul as well. Vices vanish virtue grows in us.
Coming to NLP
Energy flows in the direction of focus.
Words we utter before impacting others first affects us. Our subconscious mind does not know the difference between your or our , present or past.
Every statement we make is a reinforcement of our belief.
Even in chiding others, pinpointing mistakes of others, if we are unkindly, our mind takes it as dictum for us too. Unknowingly if we do any mistake, our subconscious mind automatically finds way to punish us.
Every expression is a process of conditioning our mind. If we practice speaking kindly then mind becomes resourceful automatically and so any past conditioning for pain or punishment is dissolved and we become automatically a positive person.
NLP says speak appropriately

Thursday, 21 February 2019

NLP Through ThirukkuraL 2


நிறைமொழி மாந்தர் பெருமை  நிலத்து
மறைமொழி காட்டி விடும்          / 3-28/

NiRai mozhi Maandhar perumai nilathu
maRai mozhi kaatti vidum

Full-worded men by what they say
their greatness to the world display
Great men, people of nobility, people with sincere intention express appropriately in a dignified way.
ThiruvaLLuvar says the words a person uses will indicate clearly the nature & stature of a person

Coming to NLP
Words are verbal expression of one’s thoughts.
Words are symbols of a man’s thinking.
Unless we communicate in words what we expect from others we cannot get things done,
In fact we cannot make others understand if we do not communicate.
Choice of words make a significant difference in the impact they create
NLP says “Every expression is an expression of one’s beliefs”
What we think we express in words unconsciously.
Our intentions get expressed in words. This the listener can sense and infer accordingly.
According to NLP ‘words indicate a person’s preference & intention’.
By studying the language of the person, a trained NLP practitioner can sense what goes on in the mind of a person.

Thus NLP and ThirukkuraL are parallels in hinting at the same point. 

NLP Through Stories 27 - an incident from the life of Helen Keller

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

NLP Through Thirukural 1



சுவையொளி ஊறோசை நாற்றமென் றைந்தின்
வகைதெரிவான் கட்டே உலகு  ( 3 : 27)

Suvaioli Ooruosai Naatramendru Aindhin
Vakaidherivaan Katte Ulaku

They gain the world who grasp & tell
Of taste, sight hearing touch & smell

ThiruvaLLuvar, the author of ThirukkuraL, is clear in stating the role of 5 senses in gaining knowledge from the world manifest and mastery over worldly affairs. ThiruvaLLuvar says ‘he will command the world who appreciates the true value of 5 senses namely seeing hearing feeling smelling & tasting.
This commandment of ThiruvaLLuvar is reflected by NLP.

Coming to NLP
NLP says we do not experience the world directly, rather it happens through our senses. 
Our senses are the doorways of our perception.
Senses are the modes with which we cognize the world.
All we know of the world we know through our senses.
Senses represent the world to us & so 5 senses are called REPRESENTATIONAL SYSTEM
We have five main sensory modalities.
Our inner subjective experience is structured in terms of these senses.
When we think, or process information internally, we “re-present” the information in terms of the sensory systems – our representational systems. 
They are our only contact with the “outside world.  In NLP we refer to these as the main modalities.
V – Visual- seeing; A – Auditory- hearing; K – Kinesthetic- feeling; O – Olfactory- smelling; G – Gustatory- tasting
To the extent our senses are sharp the information received will be rich & matured to well process for manipulation.
Sensory acuity is important for mastery of NLP skills
Thus we can easily agree that NLP & ThirukkuraL emphasize on the same point