Wednesday, 15 January 2014

NLP through srories -- story 33

A man once read in an ancient book about a black stone on a shore of the black sea which could on contact can turn any metal into gold. The stone would be warm to touch. So he went to the Black Sea, and found there a heap of black stones. He was convinced one of these would be the miracle stone.
He picked up a stone felt it on his cheek found it cold and flung into the sea. 
The second stone too was cold and followed the first one into the sea. 
He did this every day for days weeks months years.
Years later he put a stone to his cheek like usual and threw it into the sea, 

only to realize that that was the stone he was looking for.

Very sad.
We soon get into habits, get into monotonous thoughtless routine losing sight of the purpose.
Man is more a creature of habit; what gets into habit happens unconsciously. 
90% of our activity every day is unconscious activities;
while definitely unconscious activities save our time & energy,
we must also bear in mind what we feed into unconscious mind.
We lose our awareness in our mechanical routine.
Prudence lies in being aware of what is going on inside and outside .
A little of awareness would have saved years of labor.
NLP advises to be aware of sensory acuity  and the feed back we get.
NLP advises to increase our awareness more & more.

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