?Are we getting the result we want
by being positive?
Positive thinking is expected to bring in positive result, in other
words the expected result.
Does it give expected result all the time if not most of the time for
all who carefully nurture positive thoughts despite even failing many times?
What could be the reason? Is it our fault in not having generated
enough positive thinking?
Can we say by the ‘negative’ result that our strategy was not right?
Can we say by the ‘negative’ result that our strategy was not right?
Can we say we are not fortunate enough to get what we want?
Can we say we are a cursed lot to suffer from what we don’t want?
Yes we have the right to conclude in whatever way we want.
All these are only interpretations we make based on the meaning we give
to the outcome.
Yet what is the fact? What could be the reason that we don’t get what
we want? We don’t get as we want? We don’t get at the time we want?
Let me give an ‘INTELLIGENT’ answer.
Yes the answer is based on INTELLIGENCE.
We know we have body intelligence which governs the functioning of the
body and the body responds & reacts to stimuli from outside; we have
automated functions governed by this intelligence.
Equally we know the world is moving in order; moving in harmony;
There is a larger wisdom that governs the movement of this cosmos and
everything happens to maintain the equilibrium in this massive world.
I repeat everything happens to maintain the
equilibrium in this massive world.
Hence you life effort, the result of effort – everything is governed based on the law of equilibrium.
Hence you life effort, the result of effort – everything is governed based on the law of equilibrium.
Now the tricky question is
- “Some are leading a rich life, how? Some with not so much of ability
or expertise seems to be leading a very rewarding life, how? How is it that a
person with real talent languishing in difficulties and does not seem to be in
the lime light at all?
These are definitely intriguing questions.
The answer is it is the way the world order has designed.
Let me give an example
How many litres of milk are required to make one kg of butter? 20 litres
How many oranges are required to make one litre of orange juice? 15 oranges
How many flowers must honey bees tap to make one pound of
honey? 2 million flowers
About 500 millions
For one kg butter 20 litres of milk; does it mean major portion of milk is waste?
For just one litre of juice 15 oranges; does that mean
the pulp is now a waste?
If just one sperm cell is sufficient then why 500 million
in one ejaculation?
Not so,
See the massive effort nature makes to produce a
It is all a part of nature’s design.
Looking at the world event from that perspective where
you and I also form part of it, if people are succeeding marginally or
phenomenally which are all relative in comparison, everything happens according to an order.
So if there are celebrities, outstanding achievers,
exceptional performers, and crorepathis then they are so because crores of
others equally capable, though not drawing money or fame like them, are making
them so according to universal order.
Ambanis’ Adanis’ Bill Gates’ are possible because of so
many nameless & faceless achievers in their own way but not equally
recognized or rewarded like them.
Celebrate life because of you there are outstanding
achievers & celebrities as per the design of world order.
The world is a beautiful place to live because you are
Keep aspiring! Keep doing! Get going!
Because of you the earth revolves, sun & moon shine, stars twinkle.
You are the reason because you are complete
whole & perfect
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